Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The comeback of disco polo??? Or rather "disco-rumuńsko"

The so-called lyrics:
She comes to class at half past seven
Me and the boys think she's heaven
Mademoiselle Angelina french will teach
And we know it very well she's a little bitch
But i know
From the class I'm the one who will pass

Chorus: Cause anytime she's teaching we go "C'est la vie!"
Her lesson is french kissing and she's kissing me
"Voulez-vous" she's singing i said let it be
If anybody's asking "C'est la vie!"(x2)

I turn 18 and she is 30,
But she is hot and i am naughty,
Mademoiselle Angelina french will teach
And we know it very well she's a little bitch
But i know
From the class I'm the one who will pass.

Chorus:Cause anytime she's teaching we go "C'est la vie!"
Her lesson is french kissing and she's kissing me
"Voulez-vous" she's singing i say let it be
If anybody's asking "C'est la vie!"(x2)
Chorus: (x4)

I cannot listen to their pronunciation... if anyone decides to sing in public and does not distinguish between short and long "i" in English (beach-bitch, ship-sheep etc.), pronunces "g" in the end of words such as singing, kissing etc. and makes so many mistakes, it means his English is really poor.
Now anyone can sing in English and that irritates me so much, because people listen to such crap and think it's good when it really isn't! Grrr... Guys, and sing in your Romanian if you have to...

I posted the above comment on youtube, just look what has happened: http://www.youtube.com/comment_servlet?all_comments&v=zDo3nX2gSho&fromurl=/watch%3Fv%3DzDo3nX2gSho

I guess this is the first time I sparked such a discussion in the comments... I'm proud of myself :P

People! Does it irritate you too? I'm waiting for YOUR comments.

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